Russell Foisy


Brilliant rocker and entertainer Russell Foisy taps into a strong vibe to create an original blend of pop rock music with an emotional twist. It's little wonder why his new radio single ‘M.O.’ is racing up the charts.

Palm Harbor, Florida resident Russell Foisy is an excellent example of a rock artist that elegantly leverages his originality and compositional skills to the service of modern entertainment. His new single ‘M.O.’ demonstrates intuitive musical stylings that are sure to appeal to mainstream audiences. This rocker has the right look and the right attitude to become a proper pop rock-magnet and audiences around the world are beginning to acknowledge the fact that a new creative force has arisen. Where will he take it from here? One critic wrote of his award-winning work: ‘Russell Foisy is one of the most coherently expressed artists we've encountered this year and his new album is filled with evidence of strong musicianship and songcraft.’ We suspect this artist will navigate the future on his own terms, given his obvious passion and musical skills. Independent reporter Alexis Adams recently caught up with Russell Foisy to discuss his music and the interesting path by which he came to it.

ALEXIS: When did you first get that feeling that your music career was gaining momentum?
RUSSELL FOISY: As I released my first CD Original Lyrics Dream, the positive feedback I received from my fans and airplay from FM and web baded radio was incredible

ALEXIS: Your song ’M.O.’ is receiving a positive listener response on radio. What was your initial reaction when you first heard your song playing on radio?
RUSSELL FOISY: "A dream come true" I am very happy the listeners appreciate my songs

ALEXIS: What was the inspiration behind your radio single?
RUSSELL FOISY: M.O. was written based on the catch phrase Modus Operandi and everyone says M.O. for short, I thought it would be cool to write lyrics centered around the meaning and a criminal investigation. This song is on my latest CD titled Constructive or Destructive

ALEXIS: It is often said that great art arises from difficult experience. Is there something in your life experience thus far that you would describe as the ‘catalyst’ or ‘fuel’ for your desire to create music?
RUSSELL FOISY: It was inside of me to write lyrics, sing and create melodies, and a lot of people telling me I can't, Stomp the A.N.T.S.

ALEXIS: How would you characterize yourself as an artist/musician?
RUSSELL FOISY: One who likes to make chances with lyrics and different styles and genres


ALEXIS: What has your experience been like working with the other people on your team?
RUSSELL FOISY: The experience I have and the honor of working with the most talented/artist I know in Kham Loraamm now for 5 years. Kham plays guitar and violin and provides backing vocals on my cd works. We form a two performance group called Artists One Show.

ALEXIS: Did you come from a musical background? Are there other musicians in your family?
RUSSELL FOISY: Yes, I did, my mom and dad both sing and my brother Gary is an artist/musician in the New England area.

ALEXIS: What do you find most rewarding about being an artist? What do you find most challenging?
RUSSELL FOISY: Beginning with a thought and taking the thought to lyrics, then a melody and the chords and when you hear the finished track, the best feeling ever. I do not like how music has become devalued and now people are reluctant to purchase. I would love buying music back in the day and I still do. Support the artists out there.

ALEXIS: Who are your role models in music?
RUSSELL FOISY: This is easy Pink Floyd and The Eagles and all the individuals in each band solo materials.

ALEXIS: Describe your best or most memorable performance.
RUSSELL FOISY: The release of my two cd's and my first live gig, where I was very nervous.

ALEXIS: What advice would you give to young, aspiring artists out there who are unsure and need guidance?
RUSSELL FOISY: Be aggressive in social media and place your music there for likes, views and comments. This is where we are in music today. I have 2.7 million people that have viewed my Reverbnation profile for example.

ALEXIS: What's next for you as an artist? Is there an album in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it?
RUSSELL FOISY: I like to record and release every three years, so you promote the current release completely before moving on to the next project, we may in 2019 record under our two performance name Artists One Show and have my songs and Kham's songs on the same CD.

ALEXIS: That sounds great! Thank you for giving us a peek into your life as an artist. I wish you continued success in your career.