Leni Thio


Leni Thio wasn't always so self-assured and adventurous. It's been a tough and rewarding journey for this pop artist whose original sound is now cascading through the airwaves. With 'Halloween' running up the charts, we wanted to learn more about this intriguing artist.

Leni Thio brings an exquisite sensitivity to the arena of music, creating an authentic sound that simultaneously honors and breaks the traditional rules of songcraft. It is an approach that is earning this artist out of much acclaim lately and has propell on December 15, 2018. Reporter Blake Wright recently caught up with Leni Thio to learn more about this riveting artist and the inspiration behind what is proving to be a luminous music career.

BLAKE: When did your recording career begin? What inspired you to first make music?
LENI THIO: I did my first recording when I was in the college and my recording career has began since then. I was classically trained, composers such as Ravel, Debussy, John Williams have inspired me to make and write music.

BLAKE: Your new single 'Halloween' is currently getting a great response on radio. How would you describe your new single?
LENI THIO: The Mood for this single is mysterious, scary, excited, surprise, festive, suspense. It is about celebrating Halloween festive as the dead comes back to this planet to haunt humans and humans dress up as scary as possible to resemble the dead in order to escape from the dead. This song makes reference to the movie Halloween Town.

BLAKE: How do you feel your music has changed this past year?
LENI THIO: Some of my earlier compositions were unpublished and purely instrumental, influenced by 20th century music that sound dissonant. This single Halloween is one of the songs from my album 33 that incorporated elements of classical music and pop music music which is suitable for game music, movies, or stand alone pop song. My music has changed from unpublished instrumental music to more pop songs, a fusion of classical music and pop music.

BLAKE: What is your creative process when it comes to songwriting?
LENI THIO: In songwriting, I started with writing lyrics, then decide on the selection of suitable chords progression, instruments, and melody is the last to be written. After the song is completed in a simple lyric and chord progression, I orchestrate it to suit the mood and atmosphere of the song with the selection of instruments.

BLAKE: During this creative process, do you feel you work better alone or in a team?
LENI THIO: Solo piece is better to work alone. Collaborative piece is better in a team. Writing music or composing music is always a team work. Referring to my interview for my single Don't Waste My time: Music project is always about team work; working together with other musicians in order to produce sounds that are pleasing for listeners to hear. Solo music project requires team work too, for example song writer wrote a song, then recorded it at music studio with the help of music engineer and music producer to ensure the recording is at good quality.


BLAKE: How do you feel about the Internet in the music business?
LENI THIO: With the advancement of the technology, Internet has made it easier for musicians to collaborate, promote music album, and reaching out to the fans. It is faster, easier, and cheaper considering the travel fares.

BLAKE: What is the best compliment you've ever received?
LENI THIO: I take the best sales of my single and music album as the best compliment. My goal is to sell my music album 10 millions copies world wide. I consider the certification of the album sales such as diamond, gold, and silver is the best compliment.

BLAKE: If you had an extra two hours every day, how would you spend it?
LENI THIO: I would probably be drinking coffee and watching tv at home.

BLAKE: If you could sit down with one of your favorite artists, who would it be and what would you ask them?
LENI THIO: Jackie Chan, Kris Wu, Kevin Shin, Kevin Aprilio, Lang Lang, and Katy Perry are my motivation to release this album. No questions would be as though.

BLAKE: In your opinion, which decade do you think produced some of the best music to date?
LENI THIO: In my opinion, my current album 33 probably could be the best music up to now.

BLAKE: When you are working on a new song, who is the first person you share it with?
LENI THIO: My teacher is the first person I would like she/he to listen to my music or songs.

BLAKE: What new music are you working on and when will fans get to hear it?
LENI THIO: I haven't been working on new music. There are 11 other songs from my album 33 which are already available to hear in the music platform such as Spotify, Tidal, iTunes, etc.

BLAKE: Thank you for letting us get to know you better as an artist. I wish you the best of luck and continued success!



